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Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."  Thun

Zum Artikel

Thunderstorm warning systems for open-air, industry and sports

Über Uns

The enterprise

Coptr Bevölkerungs-Kommunikation-Systeme GmbH has been developing and producing fully automatic warning and communication systems since 2012, which warn the customer of potentially life-threatening dangers precisely to the location of the customer.

Our customers are municipal and commercial operators of, for example, sports and leisure facilities, industrial areas and general urban-public areas of responsibility.

Our product areas combine the two sectors:

  • Federally certified distribution of official warning messages and crisis communication to the population

  • as well as warning and all-clear for weather hazards, such as thunderstorms and storms

Our employees and experts from the areas of civil protection and lightning protection, M2M data communication, security and electrical engineering and other specialist areas work in constant exchange with external R&D capacities and strong partners on the continuous further development of our warning systems -so that you always have the system available that exactly matches your individual requirements. Find out more about our warning systems.


installed siren systems
in Europe

378 +

km² are already monitored fully automatically with our system solutions


countries are already using
our warning systems


Our systems warn people daily about their leisure activities - fully automatically



Tsunami-Warnsystem: "Automatisches Tsunami-Warnsystem für Echtzeit-Überwachung und schnelle Alarmierung." "Automatic tsunami warning system for real-time monitoring and rapid alerting."  Tsunami-Warnsirene: "Tsunami-Warnsirene mit hoher Reichweite für akustische Notfallalarme." "Tsunami warning siren with long-range acoustic emergency alerts."  Gewitter-Sirene / Thunderstorm Siren: "116 dB Gewitter-Sirene für akustische Warnsignale in gefährdeten Bereichen." "116 dB thunderstorm siren for acoustic warning signals in risk areas."  Lightning Warning System / Blitz-Warnsystem: "Hochpräzises Lightning Warning System mit Echtzeit-Blitzüberwachung und Alarmierung." "High-precision lightning warning system with real-time lightning monitoring and alerts."  Gewitter-Warnsystem: "Zuverlässiges Gewitter-Warnsystem nach DIN IEC 62793 mit präzisen BLIDS-Blitzdaten." "Reliable lightning warning system compliant with DIN IEC 62793, using pBLIDS lightning data."  Gewitter-Sirene / Lightning Siren

Thunderstorm Warning Systems

Patented, tried and tested, fully automatic, fully self-sufficient and absolutely reliable

Fields of application:

public areas
sports facilities
amusement parks

Tsunami Warning Centers National Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Pro

EU-Patent Nr. 3091375

Tsunami-Warnsystem: "Automatisches Tsunami-Warnsystem für Echtzeit-Überwachung und schnelle Alarmierung." "Automatic tsunami warning system for real-time monitoring and rapid alerting."  Tsunami-Warnsirene: "Tsunami-Warnsirene mit hoher Reichweite für akustische Notfallalarme." "Tsunami warning siren with long-range acoustic emergency alerts."  Gewitter-Sirene / Thunderstorm Siren: "116 dB Gewitter-Sirene für akustische Warnsignale in gefährdeten Bereichen." "116 dB thunderstorm siren for acoustic warning signals in risk areas."  Lightning Warning System / Blitz-Warnsystem: "Hochpräzises Lightning Warning System mit Echtzeit-Blitzüberwachung und Alarmierung." "High-precision lightning warning system with real-time lightning monitoring and alerts."  Gewitter-Warnsystem: "Zuverlässiges Gewitter-Warnsystem nach DIN IEC 62793 mit präzisen BLIDS-Blitzdaten." "Reliable lightning warning system compliant with DIN IEC 62793, using pBLIDS lightning data."  Gewitter-Sirene / Lightning Siren

Population Communication Systems

Immediate action in times of crisis - Versatile in continuous use

Fields of application:

public areas
sports facilities
amusement parks

Tsunami Warning Centers National Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Pro

Safety and efficiency for your industrial plants with COPTR Industrial Solutions -
Networked warning systems for comprehensive protection
from employees in critical environments

COPTR Industrial Solutions is revolutionizing safety in industry by integrating digital technologies into a comprehensive warning mix. Our solutions tailored for critical environments such as handling
e.g. B. Hydrogen and hazardous substances, offer unsurpassed warning functions. Through the seamless coupling of apps, APIs,
With LED signals, voice announcements and sirens, we guarantee precise and effective warnings in the event of an emergency.

  • Fields of application: EfficientsirenWarning on facilities that work with hazardous substances, including chemical plants, manufacturing plants and specialized facilitiescautions. Indispensable in environments that require rapid warning signals in the event of a release of hazardous substances or in an emergency.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Supports the fulfillment of important safety standards and requirements, adapted to the specific needs of hazardous material processing facilities.

  • Benefits for the industry:OffersClear emergency communication, minimization of downtimes through proactive crisis intervention, protection of the workforce and infrastructure as well as simplified implementation of organizational measures for personal protection.

  • Danger signals - Acoustic danger signals in accordance with DIN 33404-3 (e.g. PFEER gas alarm or industrial alarm)

New in the product family

E23 Sirene


Modular siren tower with innovative digital amplifier technology.

Standard equipment:

2 - 4 electronic sirens with digital amplifier
Signals for "population warning" and "all clear"
Sound level 101 / 109 db(A) at a distance of 30m
Control via BOS Tetra digital radio
Connected to the modular warning system (MoWaS)

Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."  Thun
Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."  Thun
 Tsunami Warning Centers National Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program TsunamiReady® Program Weather Forecast Offices International Tsunami Information Center Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program NOAA Center for Tsunami Research National Data Buoy Center Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services National Centers for Environmental Information Tsunami Detection Tsunami Data Tsunami Research Tsunami Education Tsunami Outreach Tsunami Forecasting Tsunami Mitigation NOAA Tsunami Program

Application areas:

  • official population warning

  • Danger warning for industry
    and occupational safety

  • Siren warning for weather hazards
    on large areas

Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."  Thun

T360 / T720


Modular siren tower with innovative digital amplifier technology.

Standard equipment:

2 - 4 electronic sirens with digital amplifier
Signals for "population warning" and "all clear"
Sound level 101 / 109 db(A) at a distance of 30m
Control via BOS Tetra digital radio
Connected to the modular warning system (MoWaS)

Bild eines Golfplatzes mit einem Gewitterwarnsystem - "Gewitterwarnsystem für Golfanlagen - Schützen Sie Spieler und Mitarbei

siren planning

Siren inventory analysis and siren planning with accurate noise maps.

The clear and ideal basis for your funding application.

We analyze the current status of your siren network and create a siren plan to support your funding application.

• Creation of an acoustic 3D model of the administrative area with spatial data and buildings
• Wind direction: calm

• Building heights generally 10 m

• Map overview of the administrative area in a 3D view (outlines of buildings and contour lines)

• Calculation based on the key performance indicators of your existing sirens

• Sound expansion calculation height 2 m above current floor level

• Noise map in the form of traffic light colors and with color representation in 5 dB(A) gradations based on DIN 45682

Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."  Thun
Blitzwarngerät: "Präzises Blitzwarngerät zur Erkennung von Gewittern gemäß DIN IEC 62793, mit Datenlieferung durch das BLIDS-System."  Gewitter Sirene: "Elektronische Gewitter-Sirene mit 116 dB für akustische Warnungen in gefährdeten Bereichen."  Warnsystem: "Vollautomatisches Warnsystem mit LED-Ampelsignalen und mobiler Alarmierung via App oder Funk."  Gewitterwarnsystem: "Hochpräzises Gewitterwarnsystem zur frühzeitigen Warnung und Statusanzeige basierend auf Live-Blitzdaten."  LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM: "Innovatives LIGHTNING WARNING SYSTEM für Live-Blitzüberwachung und präzise Alarmierung in Echtzeit."  Englisch: Lightning Detector: "Precise lightning detector for thunderstorm recognition in accordance with DIN IEC 62793, using data from the BLIDS system."  Thunderstorm Siren: "Electronic thunderstorm siren with 116 dB for acoustic alerts in risk areas."  Warning System: "Fully automated warning system with LED traffic-light signals and mobile alerts via app or radio network."

Your advantages

Preservation of communication sovereignty

to those on the premises through immediate audio-visual perception of the warnings

Discharge of those responsible and employees

by shifting the task force and communication to safety technology that is always available on site

Fully automatic function and instructions

and therefore no more staff commitment, effort and responsibility for monitoring, communication, warning and all-clear for dangers

Systems that can be used flexibly

enable targeted use at changing locations with crowds of people

Preventing chaos, haphazard action, and uncertainty during the Danger Phase

through transparent permanent information for the people on the premises

efficiency and structure

through defined and consistent organizational processes for every assignment

Complete evidence of events

by documenting any data communication and system functions

Civil protection and storm warning at the site with one system

also enables the fire brigade to integrate the warning devices via MoWaS, radio switch receiver, etc.

Prevention of recourse and damage claims

for those responsible in the event of damage

Remote maintenance digital 24/7

means predictive maintenance and permanent monitoring of the digital systems. Any malfunctions can be rectified immediately and software updates can be installed at any time.

Data sources

Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not

Siemens AG

Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not


Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not


Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not



Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not

Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik 
und Informationstechnik

Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not

Bundesverband deutscher 
Schwimmmeister e.V.

Industriewarnung Sirenensysteme Wasserstoffalarm Ammoniakwarnung Gasalarm COPTR Gefahrstoffe Arbeitsschutz Personenschutz Not

Golf Management Verband 


"With this system, we want to give all trainers, athletes and visitors important support for decisions that result in a game or training termination."

Frank Baumann

Manager football of SV Werder Bremen

"We thank you for your support through the quick and uncomplicated use of your warning systems in the Corona crisis."

City administration of Cologne

May 2020

“Our fully automatic thunderstorm warning system has proven itself. The bathers quickly got used to it and no longer put any more pressure on the pool staff during a thunderstorm.”

Dietmar Schmid

Operations manager  Bönnigheim mineral swimming pool

"The reactions of our members and guests to the installation of a fully automatic thunderstorm warning system in general and the way COPTR works in particular are consistently positive! Well done!"

Sandro Christians

Club manager GC Breitenloo, Switzerland

“We wanted to eliminate the human factor from this important decision. We can now relieve decision makers of responsibility and no longer have to put anyone at risk to warn golfers. It's a relief in my job knowing the system cares. I have my cell phone next to me and can just keep working instead of having to keep an eye on the weather all the time. A safety development that makes sense because it protects guests, members and employees."

Daniel Schulze

Club manager GC Bonn-Godesberg

Selected references

Tsunami Warning Centers National Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Pro

Thank you for your message.

We will  get back to you as soon as possible.

Bild eines Golfplatzes mit einem Gewitterwarnsystem - "Gewitterwarnsystem für Golfanlagen - Schützen Sie Spieler und Mitarbei
Tsunami Warning Centers National Tsunami Warning Center Pacific Tsunami Warning Center National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Pro
Entdecken Sie bei COPTR innovative Gewitterwarnsysteme und digitale Sirenen für Industrie und Bevölkerungsschutz. Unsere Lösu

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D-50858 Cologne

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