COPTR severe weather warning center
NEW! Procurement-compliant procurement via

No matter if thunderstorm warning, storm warning, MoWaS messages, current weather data, rain radar or frost warnings. The COPTR UWZ always shows the current danger situation.
Warning tone when the danger status changes.
* Speakers are available as options
Touch screen
Easy navigation in the map view at the touch of a finger
Implementation of the current thunderstorm situation as well as the Weather data in other customer systems.
Our self-developed WEB-enabled and mobile addition to siren-based alarms.
Order processing
Taking into account your personal experience, the topographical location, prevailing wind direction and other factors, you will receive an individual offer for your system.
Together with you, we plan the installation locations of the systems on the basis of these factors.
As soon as your handmade warning systems have been completed, you will be given an installation appointment.
Our assembly team brings the systems and installation tools with them on the agreed day of installation. Commissioning can take place on the next working day, depending on the configuration.
One of our IT specialists is leading they personally approach the system, go through the operating instructions with you, set up the COPTR WEB 4, the surveillance areas and the access authorizations of the systems for e.g. the cannon start or the SMS notifications.
Thanks to a personal contact person, you can contact us at any time for changes in the configuration of the systems. We are here for you!
service and maintenance
Service telephone hotline
Provision and customization of the mobile website COPTR®web
Predictive maintenance for early detection and prevention of functional failures
Permanent function monitoring by the control center including function tests
Regular software updates. Software updates are installed automatically and without interrupting operations.
All system data and system reactions are archived for you so that the events can be traced. E.g. the creation of lightning reports after thunderstorm days.
Licenses and data communication
These are third-party services that we support for you. You don't have to worry about anything.
Lightning data license Siemens AG
Contract processing IT security
We only use ISO / IEC 27001 certified hosting service providers in Germany for our cloud-based redundant server landscape.